A Mother’s Love

When I first told my mom I was pregnant I called her around 6 in the morning her time and so she started crying at the news. It wasn’t a response I was expecting, but it was super sweet. She was very excited. I told her that originally I had no intentions of telling her until she arrived in Chengdu which at that point I would be 14 weeks pregnant. I told her I realized…

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A New Semester, A New School

Note: I started this post in September and finished it recently. There is nothing like starting the school year and finding out that you won’t be teaching at the same school you have taught at for the last two years. In fact, I was quite sad about the news as I was told the school would no longer be working with Haida, my company, and they would have to find me a new school. While…

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T. Lhamo Fashion Show

On October 20th, D and I decided to attend the T. Lhamo fashion show in Chengdu as one of our friends would be modeling in it. T. Lhamo is a Tibetan fashion designer who is originally from Khyungchu (Hongyuan) County. I actually forgot that I follow the brand on instagram, because I think helping Tibetan brands get more followers and exposure is important. So when I realized I already knew the brand I was excited…

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Golden Week Vacation Part 1

Every year China has a Golden Week 7 day vacation that the entire country is mostly entitled to take. It was a holiday from work as well and although it would have been a great time to go out exploring here or abroad, my passport was once again at immigration getting renewed. Which is literally the story of my life for many of my vacations here in China, haha.

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Mom Meets the F*cking Pandas

My parents came to visit me here in Chengdu for two weeks and it was awesome to have them! Originally, I was supposed to come home first to visit, but I told my parents I’m not really in the financial position to do so. Therefore it may be another year before I get home to visit. My mom was like ugh, fuck that I’m coming to see my baby! And that is how my parents…

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Overcoming the Language Gap

While taking a shower the other night, I thought about how much better we can communicate compared to when D and I first met. Close family and friends know that when we first met neither of us spoke the same language. Although I knew how to read Tibetan, my basic words were: Hello, thank you, eat, drink, I’m full, no thank you. Hardly a way to have a conversation at all. D knew about the…

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