New Job Jitters

I have been relatively quiet about life changes and one of the biggest ones has been changing jobs. This is my second day at my new job, first day at my second school. Both schools are laid out differently, have different sets of teachers, and I’m not sure what other similarities and differences will appear as time goes by. Choosing to switch jobs gave me a lot of anxiety and I mulled over it for…

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Coronavirus Lockdown

I should have actually written this during the lockdown, but was curious about what was waiting for us upon our return to Chengdu. My family and my friend who came with us for the Lunar New Year all got stuck in the village when the lockdown came into effect. For two weeks, no one was allowed to go anywhere including leaving the village.

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Hello Neighborhood Hospital

{Note: I wanted to add photos to this post, but I was super slow. So while reading keep that in mind.} Last week, my husband went to our old hospital and got my pregnancy records so that we can move to the smaller women’s and children’s hospital in our neighborhood. Before switching to the smaller hospital, I had two important questions to ask to make sure the move would be okay.

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A New Semester, A New School

Note: I started this post in September and finished it recently. There is nothing like starting the school year and finding out that you won’t be teaching at the same school you have taught at for the last two years. In fact, I was quite sad about the news as I was told the school would no longer be working with Haida, my company, and they would have to find me a new school. While…

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T. Lhamo Fashion Show

On October 20th, D and I decided to attend the T. Lhamo fashion show in Chengdu as one of our friends would be modeling in it. T. Lhamo is a Tibetan fashion designer who is originally from Khyungchu (Hongyuan) County. I actually forgot that I follow the brand on instagram, because I think helping Tibetan brands get more followers and exposure is important. So when I realized I already knew the brand I was excited…

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