Finding the U.S. Embassy

It is always useful to know where the closest embassy or consulate general of your country is. Being a U.S. citizen I am lucky that we have an embassy in Beijing and several consulate generals in other cities across China. Luckily for me there happens to be one in Chengdu and it is fairly easy to get to.

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Wanderlustlotus is Back!

So, the blog has been MIA for a long ass time. Since the end of April? Anyways what happened was I decided I wasn’t going to renew my service with my old host because the rate had tripled over the last two years and I can’t afford that on my salary going forward. I do the blog for my own enjoyment and to keep friends and family updated on my somewhat off the beaten path…

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Mocha Diaries: The People We Meet

I’ve long believed that the people we meet, we meet for a reason. I especially feel this more since I live in  a city at the moment. Why are we only friends with certain people? Why are we not crossing paths with all those who pass by us on a daily basis? Why doesn’t everyone in the world know everyone? Granted I think most of us couldn’t keep 7 billion names straight if we tried,…

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Bonds of the Future

As I age, I reflect on the things I want and wonder if at some point the way our capitalistic society works is working against us?  Recently, in my vicinity a lot of people are pregnant or giving birth to babies, it makes me question if I will ever have the chance myself. While it pains me it made me think about how society has changed and what affects it might have on us psychologically. 

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