Week Ending on 4/28 Update

A recap of the week after my last post. I received a lot of feedback and I myself learned that it is a process. Thinking back on when I started teaching at the elementary school and had help I realize I was expected to teach right away. I had no idea what the kids names were and I had no way of managing the class . Each home room teacher that came had their own rules…

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Inadequate teacher

You are inadequate. It resounds in my head today. Inadequate. Outta Control. Volume explosion. Silence amiss. Inadequate. My third grade elementary class has made me feel inadequate. In every sense of the word. My class arrives 10 minutes late every time we meet. Today I spent the next 15 minutes trying to get them to just pay attention to me and the screen. I sat in silence for a few minutes. I stared them down. I …

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Changing Habits…Shifting Patterns

Living in another country, your habits start to change. At first, you think it won’t happen. But slowly changes begin to occur without you noticing. Slowly you assimilate yourself into the other culture without knowing.  Intrinsically we all want to belong. We want to fit in where we are currently living.  Most of our habits and who we are as a person remains the same. Yet, bits and pieces will change to make life easier.

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Korean Banking 101

Living as an Expat there are a lot of Banks that are recommended to go with when you live in Korea. KEB and Citibank seem to be the two that most people recommend. With that being said if you live in a city your options are pretty limitless, however, living in a rural part of the country your options are normally limited to one. My only option is Nonghyup bank as that is what my…

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I Have a New Cell Phone

Having been without a completely working cell phone for about two months was an interesting experience. Although I used data only on my phone overseas I rarely used it because I was afraid of going over the limited amount. Which brought me to the realization almost anyone who owns a smartphone has a slight addiction to it. And when we are without it for a while we feel disconnected from the world.

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3 Schools and Nina Teacher

I’m currently teaching at 3 different schools. When I first arrived in Okgye (옥계)  I was told that I would be teaching at the middle school 3 days a week and the elementary school 2 days a week. That sounded like a good schedule to me.  I’m in the door at 8:30 A.M. and I’m out the door at 4:30 P.M. To me, this was heaven. No weekends, no overtime, no fixing problems, I was…

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What the hell have I been up to? Good question. Not  so great an answer awaits you. I have a lot to catch up on and now it is almost time for bed so I figure during my desk -warming time I will update my blog. My laptop isn’t reading my pics which is pissing me off and that is also delaying me from posting. One reflective point I felt is necessary to say: I…

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