Mocha Diaries: Why Don’t I Put Myself First?

My hair is always a hot mess I always ask myself this question: Why don’t I put myself first? I hear from others all the time to learn to put myself first. That is always easier said than done and there is always a reason as to why I haven’t done it yet. One problem I have realized from having low self-esteem is that when you don’t value yourself you try to find redemption from…

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Beyond the Fence

I always wondered how we form our political beliefs. I realized for me it always stems from those closest to us or someone we have interacted with on a regular basis. The good old dream is to live in a house with a white picket fence. The fence is really symbolic of a lot of things if you dive into it. It draws a clear line of what is mine and what is everyone else’s.…

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In Silence I Stand

Imagine a national anthem playing in the background and the majority doing their part standing and reciting that anthem by heart. Do you see someone deviating from the norm? If so what are they doing? Are they sitting? Kneeling? Standing in silence?  Did you imagine the last round of sports stars inspired by Colin Kaepernick? Did you imagine a person standing in silence? Did you judge them? Can you see their face? Who do you see?

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Mocha Diaries: Why do I self-sabotage? : Laziness

Welcome to the Mocha Diaries! Mocha has been MIA for a while and it was high time she was found. { After  a recent conversation with a good friend back home that persuaded me to dig deeper as to why things bother me and find those answers. She said the better you understand yourself the easier it will be to love yourself and be your best friend. So with a homework assignment on hand I’ve decided…

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PT – Round 2

Celebrating five days at the gym. Towards the end of March I decided that I was going to get a personal trainer.  Six weeks have  passed by and its time to do a check in.  Anyone who knows me well knows  that I have seemed to make it my mission in life to avoid exercising. I hate it with every ounce of my being so every time I went to start a routine it was…

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