Mocha Diaries: The People We Meet

I’ve long believed that the people we meet, we meet for a reason. I especially feel this more since I live in  a city at the moment. Why are we only friends with certain people? Why are we not crossing paths with all those who pass by us on a daily basis? Why doesn’t everyone in the world know everyone? Granted I think most of us couldn’t keep 7 billion names straight if we tried,…

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Reflections from a hospital bed

Thought #1 Is hospital beds suck. I have never been a patient before and the fact my back, ass, hips and leg hurt for days because of a terrible bed doesn’t sit well with me. Comfier beds would be a great improvement. Thought #2 Hospitalized grannies are very talkative and entertaining. I have been staying with four of them, one doesn’t speak but nods her head yes or no and smiles. One of the grannies…

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