Holiday Alone Advice

The holidays are fast approaching and how I’ll be spending them came to mind. Although not much will change for me with how I keep in touch with family, I realize most of my friends and family back home might be experiencing their first holiday alone. Perhaps I can offer some insight into how to celebrate the holidays apart from loved ones.

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Wanderlustlotus is Back!

So, the blog has been MIA for a long ass time. Since the end of April? Anyways what happened was I decided I wasn’t going to renew my service with my old host because the rate had tripled over the last two years and I can’t afford that on my salary going forward. I do the blog for my own enjoyment and to keep friends and family updated on my somewhat off the beaten path…

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Rain and Rural Life

Welcome to monsoon season! The rain finally started coming more regularly now and most days it does kill most of the humidity where I live. I haven’t been updating  about what I have been doing and I will give proper posts to the places I visited later during summer vacation.  I spend most of my time going to Incheon on the weekend to visit my best friend. It is really nice to have a close…

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A Bouquet For Mom

Over the course of the last few months and the few weeks to come I have been thinking of the people to say good-bye to. My mom supports me 100% in this process and knows this is something I have always wanted to do and have put on hold for many years. She has become a bit of a ‘sap’ as I jokingly say. In reality, she is just going to miss her baby, the…

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