Overcoming the Language Gap

While taking a shower the other night, I thought about how much better we can communicate compared to when D and I first met. Close family and friends know that when we first met neither of us spoke the same language. Although I knew how to read Tibetan, my basic words were: Hello, thank you, eat, drink, I’m full, no thank you. Hardly a way to have a conversation at all. D knew about the…

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Inadequate teacher

You are inadequate. It resounds in my head today. Inadequate. Outta Control. Volume explosion. Silence amiss. Inadequate. My third grade elementary class has made me feel inadequate. In every sense of the word. My class arrives 10 minutes late every time we meet. Today I spent the next 15 minutes trying to get them to just pay attention to me and the screen. I sat in silence for a few minutes. I stared them down. I …

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