My main school during last year was a small middle school in 옥계. I really enjoyed the school a lot and I was very lucky to get a chance to fully experience the 회식 (Hweshik) also known as a work dinner. Many people do not enjoy these, but I really enjoyed them. Actually it was always really nice food I would never buy for myself and that deserves its own post. But today I am just going to talk about my last dinner at my main school.
I have found that small schools tend to have a very strong sense of community or at least the ones I worked at did. We had a 회식 once a month. Without a fail, there would be a good dinner to look forward to eating and drinking with colleagues. The last month I was at my school it snowed an unprecedented amount and our last outing in 강릉 (Gangneung) there was still snow on the ground. We went for삼겹살 (Samgyeopsal pig belly) and then finished the night off with a trek to a really nice coffee shop.

My first year I was blessed with very warm-hearted coworkers who were funny and sociable. It was always entertaining to eat and drink with them. Then we would joke about who was the 옥계 people, because more than likely we had to find away home. That last time, the gym teacher asked a nice taxi driver if because of the snow he would allow five of us to ride in the one car. He kindly said yes and we road through the snow home.

It is common for older men to be more friendly in hugging or holding hands when they have been drinking. These two male teachers at my old school drank a lot that night as it was their last time teaching together after teaching at the same school for five years. Some of the cutest conversations I have heard, such as 선배님, 사랑해요. ( Sunbae , I love you.) Or I respect you so much, thank you for everything and I will really miss you.)

Awesome coffee shop that we went to in Gangneung.