PT – Round 2

Celebrating five days at the gym. Towards the end of March I decided that I was going to get a personal trainer.  Six weeks have  passed by and its time to do a check in.  Anyone who knows me well knows  that I have seemed to make it my mission in life to avoid exercising. I hate it with every ounce of my being so every time I went to start a routine it was…

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Reflections from a hospital bed

Thought #1 Is hospital beds suck. I have never been a patient before and the fact my back, ass, hips and leg hurt for days because of a terrible bed doesn’t sit well with me. Comfier beds would be a great improvement. Thought #2 Hospitalized grannies are very talkative and entertaining. I have been staying with four of them, one doesn’t speak but nods her head yes or no and smiles. One of the grannies…

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“Everyone’s goal is to be married with kid(s) by 27?”

“Everyone’s goal is to be married with kid(s) by 27?” “I have seen too many girls from my high school pregnant waddling down the aisle”, ” OK, you got pregnant you don’t have to rush into a marriage and be miserable” Three quotes from a friend that happen to resonate with me. While I’m sure there are plenty of people out there that will disagree with me and want to throw shit my way, by…

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Rain and Rural Life

Welcome to monsoon season! The rain finally started coming more regularly now and most days it does kill most of the humidity where I live. I haven’t been updating  about what I have been doing and I will give proper posts to the places I visited later during summer vacation.  I spend most of my time going to Incheon on the weekend to visit my best friend. It is really nice to have a close…

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