A Mother’s Love

When I first told my mom I was pregnant I called her around 6 in the morning her time and so she started crying at the news. It wasn’t a response I was expecting, but it was super sweet. She was very excited. I told her that originally I had no intentions of telling her until she arrived in Chengdu which at that point I would be 14 weeks pregnant. I told her I realized…

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Overcoming the Language Gap

While taking a shower the other night, I thought about how much better we can communicate compared to when D and I first met. Close family and friends know that when we first met neither of us spoke the same language. Although I knew how to read Tibetan, my basic words were: Hello, thank you, eat, drink, I’m full, no thank you. Hardly a way to have a conversation at all. D knew about the…

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Mocha Diaries: The People We Meet

I’ve long believed that the people we meet, we meet for a reason. I especially feel this more since I live in  a city at the moment. Why are we only friends with certain people? Why are we not crossing paths with all those who pass by us on a daily basis? Why doesn’t everyone in the world know everyone? Granted I think most of us couldn’t keep 7 billion names straight if we tried,…

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Bonds of the Future

As I age, I reflect on the things I want and wonder if at some point the way our capitalistic society works is working against us?  Recently, in my vicinity a lot of people are pregnant or giving birth to babies, it makes me question if I will ever have the chance myself. While it pains me it made me think about how society has changed and what affects it might have on us psychologically. 

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